Archive for Juli 2012

United Nations as Harmonizing Policies of Countries


United Nations (UN) is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace. The organization has six principal organs: the General Assembly (the main deliberative assembly); the Security Council (for deciding certain resolutions for peace and security); the Economic and Social Council (for assisting in promoting international economic and social cooperation and development); the Secretariat (for providing studies, information, and facilities needed by the UN); the International Court of Justice (the primary judicial organ); and the United Nations Trusteeship Council (which is currently inactive). Other prominent UN System agencies include the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The UN's most prominent position is Secretary-General which has been held by Ban Ki-moon of South Korea since 2007 (Wikipedia, 2012).
As an international organization "world peace maker", the UN has an important role in regulating many things. Each department in charge of the United Nations has been devoted to one area where he focused on those categories. As an example, WHO is focusing on the development of world health, UNICEF with the "funding children" her, UNESCO is always paying attention to the culture of the nations of the world, and so forth. To that end, the UN has many policies to run its programs. One of the UN program that is being discussed is sustainable development.
Generally, sustainable development is a pattern of economic growth in which resource use aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come (Wikipedia, 2012).
In the structure of organization in UN, sustainable development is one of division in UN DESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs), a part of UN Secretary. This department works to help countries around the world in preparing the agenda and policy in facing the challenges of economic, social and environmental.
Sustainable development is a program that has been long initiated by the United Nations since 20 years ago, precisely in 1992 when the ongoing UN world conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At that time, the world's nations have agreed that global development should have a continuity or a continuous nature, but still must consider other factors that may be a negative impact of global development. Therefore, in June this year ago, the United Nations re-establish the conference, better known as the Rio +20 Conference” with theme of Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro. The conference has three main focus in the discussion, which has renewed political commitments on sustainable development, identifying the gap between the development and implementation progress in achieving the initial commitment, and overcome new challenges are constantly evolving.
Actually, sustainable development does not only concentrate on environmental issues. More than that, the scope of sustainable development includes three policies: economic development, social development and environmental protection. Three of them have a relationship each other so that could make sustainability. This is the scheme of sustainable development: at the confluence of three preoccupations.
From the scheme, we could understand that three most important components of development: economic, social, and environmental, have a strong relationship each other. We couldn’t separate one of them, because they have to runs in balanced. No wonder if every policy in a nation should notice the three components. That’s the role of the United Nations is needed as in the manufacture of harmonizing policies in every country in the world.
   As for the UN Division for Sustainable Development has listed some of the scope of the following as part of Sustainable Development, such as:
· Agriculture 
· Atmospheric 
· Biodiversity
· Biotechnology 
· Capacity Building 
· Climate Change 
· Consumption and Production 
· Demography 
· Desertification and Drought 
· Reduction and Disaster Management 
· Education and Awareness 
· Energy 
· Finance 
· Forest, etc.
Sustainable development program essentially is an ambiguous concept. This is caused by the tug of interests between nature interests and human interests. Even we know, both of these are part of inter-related, but they’re often being the problems caused by the human ego. That’s why we could not measure about the progress of sustainable development program correctly, because there is not a real parameter that could be used as an indicator.
Population of peoples is the important part or we could say as the central point in sustainable development, because the true role of population is as a subject and object of this program. Large population with rapid growth, but low quality, will slow to achieve the ideal conditions between quantity and quality, more over with the condition of limited capacity, in natural and environment sector. Therefore, to realize sustainable development in a country, the quality of population components is required. From it, a nation is to be able to process and manage natural resources properly, precise, efficient, and optimally, while maintaining environmental sustainability. Hopefully there could be a condition when the population with carrying capacity of nature and capacity of the environment are balanced and harmony each other. 
Definitely our hopes below couldn’t be happened if there is not an international organization manages all the needs of all countries in the world. At least, United Nations could unite all countries to walk in line together, so that sustainable development could be achieved in a few years later, for a better world.



(All references were accessed on July, 19th 2012)

ps: this essay was made for LIMUN (London International Model United Nations) 2012 Delegates Selection of Diponegoro University

Life is never flat (kata lain dari "galau") - Part 1



Udah lama banget nih gw gak buka blog lagi. Terakhir kapan ya, kok postingan terakhir masih tentang mineral optik gitu? Jangan-jangan terakhir gw ngepost semester 2 nih -_-" Yah maklumlah, akhir-akhir ini life schedule (keren banget yak istilahnya haha) gw emang rada-rada padet. Mulai dari nonton tipi, nonton pilem, maen game, hangout ke mall. Ini sebenernya gw mahasiswa apa bocah SMA yang baru lulus ya. Gak lah. Serius, i have some daily activities which make my life productive.

Yak, sekarang gak kerasa udah 2 tahun aja gw jadi mahasiswa. Udah 4 semester aja gw ngejalanin hidup sebagai calon geologist. Udah lumayan banyak juga sih hal-hal yang gw alamin selama itu. Ada senengnya, ada sedihnya. Tapi kalian pernah mikir gak sih? Kita kuliah 4 tahun itu sebenernya arahannya mau kemana? Apa emang kita udah punya rencana buat jadi seorang profesionalkah? Entrepreneur kah? Abdi masyarakat kah? Atau bahkan jadi seorang da'i? Dan ya, pemikiran yang demikian akhir-akhir ini udah ngebuat gw bimbang dalam ngejalanin hidup sebagai mahasiswa geologi. I think geology is not my way.

Lumayan lama juga gw dibikin galau gara-gara pemikiran ini. Bahkan sempet kepikiran juga, gimana kalo gw pindah jurusan aja? Pemikiran gitu sempet kelintas ketika gw lagi semangat-semangatnya banget ngurusin bidang media di berbagai kepanitian, mulai dari bikin desain pamflet, spanduk, backdrop, bikin film, ngedekor, de el el. And guess what?? I enjoyed it so much!!!! No matter how much time you waste for it, but you realized something: you love doing that! Yeah, perhaps it's called as passion. My passion.

Hasil anak-anak PDD nih pas acara training rohis fakultas hhehe..

Tapi tau gak apa efek dari kegembiraan gw mengeksplor passion baru gw itu? Ya, gw jadi dapet pacar baru. Eh maap, itu mah obsesi dalam khayalan. Gw jadi ogah-ogahan buat kuliah. Yang ini serius gw. Parah banget yak. Disaat temen-temen lagi sibuk-sibuknya bikin laporan, tugas, mapping, eh gw malah leha-leha di kosan. I know, it was the worst moment in my life. For a second, i realized that i've made a big mistake. But, you know, just for a second. Then, i was back into my USELESS ACTIVITIES and UNPRODUCTIVE LIFE. Di poin ini, gw sadar. Gw lagi galau tingkat dewa stadium empat.

Eh udah jam 8.20 aja nih, i must do something. Next post, i'll tell you how i change my crazy mind without being crazy hahaha...

Well, guys, see ya!
